Website Report
Hi Trevor, Hope all is well. Below is your web site report page…Covering months; May 2021 for
1. Admin Updates
Full back-end website admin updates have been carried out for this month
2. Website Security Checks
‘Website Security’ has been monitored, updated & checked for this month. A summary of security alerts can be found below
3. SEO
Further SEO has been carried out throughout the website
4. Site Maps Re-submitted
Site maps re-created for these pages and re-submitted to Google
5. Various updates have been made throughout the websites
For links to updated pages, please see ‘Updates’ tabs below
Very Best Regards,
1. Admin Updates
Full back-end website admin updates have been carried out for this month
2. Website Security Checks
‘Website Security’ has been monitored, updated & checked for this month. A summary of security alerts can be found below
3. SEO
Further SEO has been carried out throughout the website
4. Site Maps Re-submitted
Site maps re-created for these pages and re-submitted to Google
5. Various updates have been made throughout the websites
For links to updated pages, please see ‘Updates’ tabs below
3. Integrate Instagram page –
4. Review all Social Media links/pages set up from website to profile pages
5. Additional Projects Pages
Additional ‘Projects Pages‘ have been created and added to the slider/banner on the home page: – This will be updated over the coming months
3. Social Media Profile Update & Optimization To help improve & keep your Google rankings, it is now advisable to review, update and optimize all your social media profiles.

For this month, your website had….

Top Posts/Pages
March 21
For this month I have made some slight changes to the home page of the main website: – Just to give it an appeal of fresh content… I have also created a new area (above the “What our customers have to say…” area) titled: “Some of our recent projects…” – Again, to give it a slightly fresh look and also each element linking to some new & additional pages..
The list of updated & new pages for all three sites can be found below in the ‘Updates’ tab:
1. Admin Updates
Full back-end website admin updates have been carried out for this month
2. Website Security Checks
‘Website Security’ has been monitored, updated & checked for this month. A summary of security alerts can be found below
3. SEO
Further SEO has been carried out throughout the website
4. Site Maps Re-submitted
Site maps re-created for these pages and re-submitted to Google
5. Various updates have been made throughout the websites
For links to updated pages, please see ‘Updates’ tabs below
1. Admin Updates
Full back-end website admin updates have been carried out for this month
2. Updates / Amendments
a) Various amendments have been made throughout the website for this month
b) The main contact form has been re-created / designed, which now includes the function to add/upload customer image files.:-
c) The home page has been re-built & design modified for ‘ Our Services ‘ section – Also includes a top revolving banner plus banner amendments / updates within the page
d) The navigation menu has also been updated / improved
e) The ‘Google Reviews’ page has also been updated:
3. Website E-mail & Spam Prevention
The e-mail: has been set up and applied too the website contact forms – This has also been set up to forward to: – A spam filter level has also been applied and is currently set to “medium”
4. Website Security Application
Due to an increased level of website hacking attempts, ‘Website Security’ has been put in place for: – This will be monitored on a continual basis and information included with the website report on a monthly basis
5. SEO
Further SEO has been carried out throughout the website
6. Site Maps Re-submitted
Site maps re-created for these pages and re-submitted to Google
from previous month report:
1. Annual Domain & SSL Website Hosting Renewed for this month for:
2. Domain & Website Forwarding Renewed for:
3. Updates
Various updates made throughout the website for this month
4. Admin Updates
Full back-end website admin updates have been carried out for this month
5. SEO
Further SEO has been carried out throughout the website
6. Site Maps Re-submitted
Site maps re-created for these pages and re-submitted to Google
1. Updates to plus additional updated pages:
2. Admin Updates
Full back-end website admin updates have been carried out for this month
3. SEO
Further SEO has been carried out throughout the website
4. Site Maps Re-submitted
Site maps re-created for these pages and re-submitted to Google
1.Various Updates plus additional updated pages:
EastAnglianBikers Banner/link
2. Admin Updates
Full back-end website admin updates have been carried out for this month
3. SEO
Further SEO has been carried out throughout the website
4. Site Maps Re-submitted
Site maps re-created for these pages and re-submitted to Google
1. SSL Added to your domain & hosting
An SSL certificate has now been acquired for your domain and applied to all pages throughout the website – This will be renewed annually
2. Renewed Hosting
Hosting has also been renewed for: for this year
3. New Swatches Pages
New Colour Range of High Temperature Ceramic Coatings swatches has been added:
4. Additional Projects Pages
Additional ‘Projects Pages‘ have been created and added to the slider/banner on the home page: – This will be updated over the coming months
5. SEO
Further SEO has been carried out throughout the website
6. Site Maps Re-submitted
Site maps re-created for these pages and re-submitted to Google
1. Further Admin Updates
Additional admin updates have been carried out, keeping the website fully up to date and compatible with Google’s requirements
2. Project Pages Area
Rather than adding photo’s / galleries to existing category pages, we have now created a ‘Projects Pages Area’ – This info has been taken from the MSBPC Facebook page and will now feature as a slider on the ‘home’ page as well as adding to our catalogue of info/project pages within the website – Please feel free to add more text & info to your facebook postings so that we can make a feature out of all the new and interesting projects posted on your FB pages..
3. SEO
Further SEO has been carried out throughout the website
4. Site Maps Re-submitted
Site maps re-created for these pages and re-submitted to Google
1. New Website Platform and Revamp
A significant update has been made to the back-end of the website and a complete revamp of pages and content applied throughout the website.
The new update will have a greater impact on the functionality of the website, bringing faster loading speeds and usability ease for it’s visitors. New/additional content updates will also be quicker to achieve giving us further compatibility with Google’s search listing entries.
2. Optimized Images and Content
All images and content have been optimized for improved page loading speeds.
3. SEO
Further SEO has been carried out throughout the website
4. Site Maps Re-submitted
Site maps re-created for these pages and re-submitted to Google
5. You Tube / Google Account
The new YouTube video account has now been set up. You can add new videos via the msbpcl google account. This will also help aid with Google rankings and easier client access.
6. Links page created
We have a number of outbound links, therefore I have created a dedicated page listing the outbound links:
1. SEO
Further SEO has been carried out throughout the website
2. Site Maps Re-submitted
Site maps re-created for these pages and re-submitted to Google
3. You Tube / Google Account
The new YouTube video account has now been set up. You can add new videos via the msbpcl google account. This will also help aid with Google rankings and easier client access.
1. SEO
Further SEO has been carried out throughout the website
2. Site Maps Re-submitted
Site maps re-created for these pages and re-submitted to Google
3. You Tube / Google Account
The new YouTube video account has now been set up. You can add new videos via the msbpcl google account. This will also help aid with Google rankings and easier client access.
1. SEO
Further SEO has been carried out throughout the website
2. Crawl Errors Corrected
A number of Google page crawl errors have been corrected (further information below)
3. Site Maps Re-submitted
Site maps re-created for these pages and re-submitted to Google.
4. Google Mobile-First Indexing now enabled by Google
This means that you may see more traffic in your logs from Googlebot Smartphone. You may also see that snippets in Google Search results are now generated from the mobile version of your content.
Just to let you know, new content has been added / taken from your Facebook links recently provided:
Updating the back-end
Since the current website’s platform is now over two years from it’s launch date, We have now started on updating the website’s back-end. – This will enable us to apply some major updates that are needed and allow us to re-design the front-end making future updates easier and quicker to complete.
Once the initial new home page draft has been completed, I will send you a link for review.
Meanwhile, you can review further details on your updated report below. – In the meantime, should you have any further queries, ideas or suggestions, simply let me know.
Privacy Policy
A GDPR Privacy Policy has been added to the website: – If you could please review and forward on any amendments and also let me know where you would prefer this page to be linked under the main navigation menu.
New pages/content added:
Pages have been started, now containing info from the website: :-
Any amendments to the above, simply let me know and I will update and continue to create the additional product pages – If you could also confirm images that can be placed with each page, I will add them also.
1. SEO
Further SEO has been carried out throughout the website
2. Various updates have been made throughout.
3. New pages/content added:
4. New ‘Google Reviews’ section added
5. Crawl Errors Corrected
A number of Google page crawl errors have been corrected (further information below)
6. Site Maps Re-submitted
Site maps re-created for these pages and re-submitted to Google
7. Website Hosting renewed for this year:
8. Domain renewed for this year: (Renewal & Web Forwarding only)
A GDPR Privacy Policy has also been added to the website: – If you could please review and forward on any amendments and also let me know where you would prefer this page to be linked under the main navigation menu.
Many thanks,
Various updates have been made to the ‘Ceramic Powder Coating’ section:
Pages have been started, now containing info from the website: :-
Any amendments to the above, simply let me know and I will update and continue to create the additional product pages – If you could also confirm images that can be placed with each page, I will add them also.

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Maldon Shot Blasting made changing the colour of my bike frame, easy. Trevor and Val have offered me expert advice from how Covid is affecting the turn around time, to which colour and finish would look best. There was always a quick, friendly respond to any queries I had.
If you want something shot blasted and or powder coated, Maldon should be your first choice.
These guys did a great job on my BMX frame, forks and hamdlebars. The parts were really badly corroded but the finish afterwards was better than I expected. Would recommend.
Thank you maayan. It was a pleasure to meet you both.
Thank you Tony for the kind review regarding the ceramic work and other parts. Happy to be of help and thank you for your business.
Best regards
Trevor Lodge. M.D.
I went to Maldon Shot Blasting for a set of motorcycle header pipes to be cleaned, blasted and ceramic coated.
I am very impressed not only with the quality of the work produced but the turnaround time in which the components were ready for collection.
By far, well worth the two hour round trip for the results and I would highly recommend. Staff are very pleasant and informative, no doubt I will use them again!
Thank you.
As for powder coating, their work is second to none.
Superb work and service.
It is like brand new , top quality powder coating , you won’t get it better …More
Many thanks Daz. Always happy to help.
Thank you Jon. So pleased with your review I will pass it on to our team. Always happy to help.
Barry Taylor
Hi Barry. That is very kind of you and would like to thank you for all your business from the Ferrari to your latest Ford project. MSB TEAM.
Hi Joe. A huge thank you, with clients as yourself it makes our efforts so worthwhile. Look forward to seeing you again soon.
Thank you for the fantastic review. It makes our efforts so worth while. Very much appreciated. Trevor Lodge. M.D.
Thank you for your kind words and support. Pleased to be of service. Thank you Trevor Lodge M.D
Thank you for your support over the years Paul, always a pleasure to do business with you and your company.
Thank you. Simon always a pleasure to work with you.
Thank you. Pleased to be of service.
Thank you Steve.
Hi Robert
Thank you for your brilliant review . really nice to hear. …More
Hi Andrew, Thank you for your kind consideration in rating our business.
Kind regards
Trevor Lodge
Thank you Ivan.
We strive to give the best possible service we can offer. Thank you for your …More
Thank you for your brilliant review. It makes all our efforts so worthwhile.
Thank you so much great to know that you are happy with our work.
Thank you Steve. Very kind of you too leave such a great review.
Thank you Kevin.
Thank you.
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Account: ctcpowdercoat
User: Administrator
Password: ctcpowdercoat
Domain Renewal for: – 06/05/2022
Domain Renewal for: – 15/01/2022
Domain Renewal for: – 09/05/2022 – SSL Annual Hosting Plan @ £120.00 1yr – Expires: – 06/05/2022 – Standard Annual Hosting Plan @ £95.00 1yr – Expires: – 15/01/2022 – Renewal & Web Forwarding only @ £25.00 1yr – Expires: – 09/05/2022
SSL – 22-02-22
A ‘Partner Website’ works in conjuction with main website to enhance the rankings within Google and other major search engines & directories.
Here you can view various show cases of refurbished car parts… Gallery 1: Powder Coated Car Wheels… Gallery 2: Heat Resistant Powder Coating… Gallery …
E-Mail Campaigns:
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For all your shotblasted and powder coated projects, from shotblasted vehicle chassis, restored motorcycles, bicycles, and powder coated wheels.